Our Guides through Deuteronomy
Introduction to Deuteronomy

D. Moody Smith Distinguished Professor of Old Testament; Professor of Law; Duke Divinity School
Deuteronomy 1-4
Narrative Theology

Professor of Divinity; Beeson Divinity School
Old Testament Theology. IVP Academic, 1998.
“Examining the Narratives of Old Testament Narrative: An Exploration in Biblical Theology,” Westminster Theological Journal 67 (2005): 229–45.
Deuteronomy 5, 13
Decalogue & Name

Associate Professor of Old Testament; Talbot School of Theology
Deuteronomy 6, 10
The Love of God

Albert A. List Professor of Jewish Studies; Harvard Divinity School
Deuteronomy 7, 19, 21-22

Associate Professor of Old Testament; Regent College
Portraying Violence in the Hebrew Bible: A Literary and Cultural Study. Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Flood and Fury: Engaging Old Testament Violence. IVP Academic, 2023.
Deuteronomy 11, 22, 24, 26
Land, Economy, Sexual Violence

Robert H. Gundry Chair of Biblical Studies, Westmont College
Deuteronomy 14:1–16:17
Food and Festivals

Michael Rhodes (PhD, University of Aberdeen/Trinity College Bristol)
Lecturer in Old Testament; Carey Baptist College
Deuteronomy 16:18–18:22

Professor of Hebrew Bible; Samford University
Creation Rediscovered: Finding New Meaning in an Ancient Story. Hendrickson, 2020.
Seekers in the Hands of an Elusive God. Hendrickson, forthcoming.
Deuteronomy 27–30
Covenant Ritual